Tattenham Library - Nork Residents' Association

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Tattenham Library


The purpose-built branch Library at Tattenham Crescent was opened on 18 May 1961 to meet the needs of the new schools in the area as well as the increase in the local population. Although not as large as the Banstead Library it was nonetheless an important focal point for study and learning activities.

In 1998, Surrey County Council initiated a Community Services consultation exercise. This resulted in the recommendation of reducing or closing 18 libraries which included the Tattenham library.

With the support of over 1,000 objections the Council kept the Tattenham library open by designating it as a "Community Library". This meant that it was not to become a specialist High-Tech centre (this was to be Banstead) but neither did it mean that the number of books that it held would be cut. What it did mean however, was that little-read books would disappear and be replaced by more popular titles.

In 1999 the Tattenham Library had the highest turnover of books among the five in the South-East area which were allocated as Community Libraries.

By 2010, Surrey County Council were looking to "rejuvenate" the library service by allowing these Community Libraries to be looked after by the Community. The criteria used can be viewed at the SCC web site at: Community libraries - why those 11 libraries

In response to the call-in by the Select Committee for "Safer and Stronger Communities", the Cabinet confirmed the decision to allow people the opportunity to take over the day-to-day running of some of Surrey’s libraries. It is argued that

"Through sharing resources the council will be able to focus on the larger and busier libraries, as well as the virtual library, and communities can help ensure they have a library that meets the needs of their community".

More details are available fromn the Surrey County Council website at News from the libraries

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Tattenhams library see:
Tattenhams Library Needs Your Support

The Opening of the Tattenham Library

The Tattenham Library was officially on 18 May 1961. The following dignitaries were present at the opening (from left to right):
Mr. M.D.B.Farmiloe, Chairman,Banstead Library Committee
Mrs.H.Cobbett,Chairman,County Library Committee
Miss J.E.Putnam,Senior Assistant, Tattenhams Library
Mr.R.F.Ashby, County Librarian
Mr.M.Yelland, Banstead District Librarian
Miss V.Rhys Davids, Chairman, Banstead U.D.C.
Mr.A.M. Baird, County Education Officer

Young readers with Miss J.E. Putnam 19 May 1961

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Last Edited: 13/05/2024
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